We can expect that in 100 years, home security will be all the more technologically advanced and personalized for each and every one of us and our unique style of living. Smartphones, enhanced recognition, and automation are all picking up speed with every passing year. With the additional interconnectivity that technology provides, we’ll be able to seamlessly sync our security with every other aspect of our daily lives, meaning that we’ll always know what’s going on at home—whether we are there or not.

Automated Theft Deterrents

Gone will be the days that we leave one light on when we leave for vacation in an effort to thwart burglars. Automatic light switches and motion-activated responses will perfectly simulate natural home occupation habits, and keep those potential intruders guessing. Some home security systems already come with automated lighting that will switch on and off for just this purpose. This type of automated activity will only improve as home security moves into the future. Imagine a world where a dog barks when a stranger comes to your door, even if you don’t have a dog!

Personal Recognition

Facial and fingerprint recognition software is already on the market, but they are not yet commonplace. Within 100 years, this type of technology will be ubiquitous, and each and every one of us will have an intimate relationship with our largest possessions. You will no longer need keys to enter your home, and you will be able to effortlessly start your vehicle with the simple press of your finger pad. When visitors come to your door, you will be able to know who they are immediately, without having to ask who it is. Imagine a future where you can walk up to your door with an armload of groceries and your door will open for you, with no more fumbling for keys. Everyday tasks will become a no-brainer and we will be able to customize our possessions so that they recognize us immediately.

Environmental Monitoring

Home security systems of the future won’t just prevent an intruder, they will also keep you safe from environmental elements that may go awry within the home. The future home will be able to monitor oxygen and carbon monoxide levels, light and water usage, temperature, and movement. All of this internal monitoring can not only help you identify potential problems that could harm your family, but could also help you manage your energy by automatically alerting you of overuse.

Medical Alert System

Not only will security systems help you recognize unwanted strangers outside, they will also help you monitor friends, family, and pets inside your home. Security systems can go one step further and help protect your loved ones who are left behind while you are out. This can be of great assistance to parents and those taking care of the elderly. With home security systems that can monitor movement (and even vital signs) you will be able to rest assured that if there is a medical emergency, your home will alert you of it, wherever you are. Although we can’t know the future absolutely, all signs point to us continuing down a road of ever-evolving technology and solutions that make every aspect of our lives easier. Technology will be tailored ever more to our individual needs and desires, and security monitoring will never be more than a moment away. The home of the future looks to be full of interconnectivity, personal recognition, family security, enhanced monitoring, and a plethora of advanced automation.
Home security